Town of Rowley, Massachusetts
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Town of Rowley, Massachusetts
497 Main Street
Bill DiMento, Town of Rowley Harbormaster
Rowley, Massachusetts 01969
bill.dimento @ townofrowley.org
Welcome back for the 2025 boating season in Rowley!
Perley’s Marina Customers
If you keep your boat in the water at Perley’s Marina or utilize dry launch (summer yard storage) at Perley’s Marina, you must purchase a Rowley waterways permit each year and apply it to your boat transom before your boat enters the water. Any boats docked (or utilizing dry launch) at Perley’s Marina that do not have a valid permit affixed to their transom after April 1st will receive a $75 fine in addition to the cost of the permit fee. Tickets shall be paid at the Rowley Town Hall, and can be contested at the Newburyport District Court.
Private Dock Permits
If you keep your boat in the water on a private dock in Rowley, you must purchase a Rowley waterways permit each year before April 1st and apply it to your boat transom before your boat enters the water. Any boats kept on a dock in Rowley that do not have a valid permit affixed to their transom will receive a $75 fine in addition to the cost of the permit fee. Tickets shall be paid at the Rowley Town Hall, and can be contested at the Newburyport District Court.
Rowley Mooring Renewal Deadline
Mooring permits must be renewed and paid each year by April 1st. Any authorized renewals after April 1st will be assessed a late fee of $25.00 in addition to the regular fees. Failure to renew your Rowley mooring by May 1st will result in forfeiture of your mooring, and your mooring location will be offered to the next person on the waitlist. You will be notified via email in January each year when the permitting process has started.
Rowley Mooring Regulations
Your mooring permit sticker must be applied to your vessel’s transom before it enters the water for the season. Any boats kept on a mooring in Rowley that do not have a valid Rowley waterways permit affixed to their transom will receive a $75 fine in addition to the cost of the permit fee. Any mooring buoy or winter spar that does not legibly display the last name of the permit holder may be removed by the Harbormaster. Mooring permits may not be transferred, except with written approval by the Harbormaster. Mooring tackle must be professionally inspected every three (3) years at a minimum (see below).
Rowley Mooring Inspection Policy
It is a mooring owner’s legal obligation to assure that his/her mooring tackle is maintained in safe, usable condition. This helps to prevent vessel breakaways that could pose a danger to human lives and/or personal property (including your own). This happens more than you think! The Town of Rowley requires that you obtain an inspection of your mooring tackle by one of the approved mooring service providers at least every three years. Your mooring service provider should scan your inspection certificate into the Online Mooring system and upload it to your permit (or you may scan the certificate yourself). Failure to upload a passed inspection by September 1st every three years will result in immediate revocation of your mooring privileges in the Town of Rowley for the following year, and your mooring location will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.
Launch Ramp Permits for Rowley Residents ONLY
Rowley residents who use the Rowley launch ramp (and do not keep their boat in the water) must obtain their launch ramp permits through the Town Clerk’s office at the Rowley Town Hall. NOTE: If you also have a mooring or dock slip in Rowley, you can obtain your launch ramp permit(s) on Online Mooring when you purchase your waterways permit (by completing the “Vehicle” section of the application). Thank you in advance for your cooperation. I am hoping you find this Online Mooring service more convenient. If you have any questions or errors on your permit application, please text me at 508-397-2450, or email me at bill.dimento@townofrowley.org.
Safe boating,
Bill DiMento
Rowley Harbormaster
My Applications
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Rowley Resident Mooring Permit
River and PI Sound
View Wait List(s)
Rowley Resident- Perley’s Marina
This is for A Rowley Resident who is a customer of Perley’s Marina or Private Dock
Non-Resident Mooring Permit
River and PI Sound
View Wait List(s)
Non-Resident- Perley’s Marina
This is for an applicant who is a Non-Resident of Rowley and who is a customer of Perley’s Marina or Private Dock
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